Datahash #MarTech Glossary


Ad Retargeting is a smart online marketing technique where, after a user visits a website without committing to making a purchase, ads for that website appear on other websites that the user visits. This is known as a “retarget” or “retargeting” strategy. Retargeting is a great way to remind users of products they were interested in but didn’t end up buying. You know how you might look at a pair of great t-shirts online before you decide to buy them? Well, with ad retargeting, the t-shirts follow you online. They show up on several websites and ask, “Do you remember me? I think you liked me.” The internet remembers everything, and it seems like it’s trying to influence you about those t-shirts.


The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a complete facts privateness regulation enacted in California, USA. It grants California residents precise rights concerning their private statistics held with the aid of organizations. CCPA calls for organizations that accumulate, process, or sell the private records of Californians to disclose their information practices, provide choose-out options, and delete non-public data upon request. It empowers clients to get admission to their facts, realize what records is gathered, and opt out of its sale. Businesses should also put in force statistics safety measures and offer clear privacy notices. CCPA ambitions to beautify patron privateness and control over personal information, conserving businesses liable for transparent statistics dealing with.

Click-Through Attribution is one of the Key Performing Indicator (KPI) to measure the marketing efforts that links user actions, specifically clicking on an ad, to subsequent conversions or desired outcomes on a website. It enables marketers to evaluate the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns by attributing conversions to the initial ad click. This model provides insights into which ads or campaigns are driving results and helps allocate credit accordingly.

Conversions API (CAPI) for E-Commerce businesses is a data integration method that allows online retailers to transmit important customer transaction and interaction data directly to advertising platforms and analytics tools. This enables accurate tracking of sales, customer actions, and ad campaign performance, helping E-Commerce businesses optimize their online marketing efforts and improve customer targeting and measurement.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is like refining the path for your website visitors to make it easier for them to take the actions you want. Imagine your website as a store—CRO rearranges the aisles, makes the signs clearer, and ensures the products are appealing, encouraging more visitors to make a purchase. Similarly, on your website, CRO involves improving the layout, content, and design to guide visitors to click that ‘buy now’ button, fill out a form, or subscribe. It’s about understanding what your audience wants and providing it in a way that persuades them to engage. By continuously optimizing and tweaking, you can boost the percentage of visitors who complete these desired actions, effectively growing your business through your existing traffic.

In an evolving marketing technology space, the “cookieless future” is emerging as a fundamental transformation. The deprecation of 3rd aprty cookies and embracing a privacy-focused world in which the security of user data plays a central role. This huge shift is forcing marketers to redefine strategies by relying on innovative solutions like contextual targeting and first-party data. As cookies disappear, brands must move to more ethically approved strategies to ensure a personalized experience without compromising privacy.

Cost per click (CPC) is an important metric in the domain of digital advertising that defines how much it costed an advertiser every time a user clickedk on their ad.

Custom Audience

Custom audiences are segmented groups of individuals based on specific criteria like demographics, behavior, or engagement. Marketers use them to deliver personalized ads and messages to these segments, increasing relevance and engagement. With custom audiences, one can target their ads to people who have engaged with your products or services, or even purchased from you in the past making it a smarter way to reach a target audience more effectively. Creating efficient custom audience groups can aid in improved campaign targeting and retargeting optimizations, thereby enhancing metrics such as Click-through Rates (CTR), conversion rates, Cost per Impression (CPI), etc.

A Customer Data Platforms (CDP) is a centralized software solution that collects, organizes, and oversees customer data from diverse origins such as websites, mobile apps, and CRM systems.


“A legally and morally binding agreement, known as data consent, allows individuals to grant organizations permission to collect, handle, or use their personal information for specific purposes. This consent process requires individuals to provide informed and voluntary agreement, with organizations offering clear explanations of how the data will be utilized. Importantly, individuals have the freedom to withdraw their consent at any time. Consent serves as a critical component of data protection laws, such as the GDPR. It plays a pivotal role in preserving individuals’ control over their personal data and in building trust in data management procedures. To comply with privacy laws and uphold individuals’ rights to data confidentiality and security, organizations must ensure they obtain and document consent correctly.”

Data security is similar to maintaining a secret. Avoiding the misuse of personal information, such as your name, address, or online activities is it’s major concern. As you wouldn’t want complete strangers to know everything about you, in same way data privacy ensures that your information is only shared with reliable parties for the good use. It’s like locking your journal so that your ideas are safe. Laws and technology can help protect your data in similar way of how you would be cautious about sharing personal information with strangers. It also gives you power to exercise caution when deciding what to disclose and with whom.


Event match quality refers to the degree to which your event’s details and content align with the preferences, interests, and behaviors of your target audience on the platform. It’s a measure of how well your event matches the expectations and needs of the Facebook users you’re trying to reach. As a marketer, understanding and optimizing Event Match Quality on Facebook is crucial for the success of your event marketing efforts.


First-party data is the data collected directly by a business from its customers. Purchases, preferences, and patterns of usage leave a digital imprint on a brand. First-party data is comparable to a neighborhood bookshop keeping track of the genres and writers a customer appreciates. The bookstore grows more aware of its customers’ reading interests as one peruses longer. As a result, they will be able to provide customized book recommendations to the consumer the following time they visit, offering a unique literary experience.



Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a cutting-edge web analytics platform that empowers businesses to comprehensively track and analyze user interactions across websites and mobile apps. 

“The European Union introduced the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018. It establishes guidelines for businesses in collecting and managing personal data. Its primary objective is to safeguard individuals’ privacy by ensuring proper consent. Furthermore, it empowers individuals with greater control over their data usage and imposes accountability on businesses for their data handling practices. It’s important to emphasize that GDPR applies to all websites, regardless of their physical location.”

Google Ads Enhanced Conversions (GEC) is a conversion measurement tool designed to help advertisers track conversions more accurately. 

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager helps to add and manage tags on a website without having to modify the source code. It works tag-by-tag, so tags are brief chunks of code that track user activity on your website or send information to other systems. You can quickly and easily change measurement codes and related code fragments, also known as tags, on your website or mobile application by using Google Tag Manager.

Google Store Sales

Google Store Sales is a feature by teach giant google by which you link your Google Ads account to your Google Store sales. This is a good way to analyze how offline sales are getting impacted by your Google Ads campaigns and use that data to improve your campaigns. You may integrate offline transactions into Google Ads directly or through third-party partners thanks to the Google Ads API’s support for uploading store sales conversions.


Lead Scoring process in finding a viable consumer and attracting potential customers for engagement , this can done in two ways 1)implicit Is nothing but recording data of your site visitors in the form of cookies 2) Explicit this is done by collecting the data of consumer like phone no and mails ids , this lead scoring may help in marketing a product with respect to age , gender etc . Lead scoring offers several advantages, including improved alignment between sales and marketing efforts, amplified revenue generation, and the ability to execute precisely targeted marketing campaigns.


A Marketing Pixel is a small piece of code that’s embedded on your website. It’s mainly used to track user behaviour and conversions.

A Marketing Pixel is a small piece of code that’s embedded on your website. It’s mainly used to track user behaviour and conversions.


Personal Identifiable Information (PII) in the context of performance marketing refers to any data that can uniquely identify an individual in first-party context. This includes information like names, email addresses, phone numbers, DOB, etc. and might vary geographically. For marketers, PII is a valuable resource as it allows for precise targeting and tailored campaigns. However, it’s crucial to handle PII with utmost care, ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations to build trust and maintain the security of customer information.Some of the laws that heavily govern its trusted applications like GDPR, CCPA, POPIA, etc. are defined by the governmental institutions in accordance with data protection authorities.


Server-side tracking is a data collection method in web analytics and online marketing where data about user interactions with a website or application is gathered and processed on the server rather than the client-side (user’s device). This approach provides greater control, security, and accuracy in data collection, as well as improved tracking in scenarios with ad blockers and client-side limitations. Server-side tracking is used to collect and analyze valuable information about user behavior, conversions, and other key metrics, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions and optimize their digital strategies.


Third-party cookies are small pieces of data that websites store in your web browser, but they aren’t created by the website you’re visiting. Instead, these cookies come from other websites or services that have elements on the site you’re browsing, like ads or social media buttons. Their purpose is to track your online behavior across various websites, collecting information about your preferences, interests, and activities.
For example, if you visit an online store, a third-party cookie might be placed in your browser by an advertising company. Later, when you visit a news website, the same advertising company can use that cookie to recognize you and show you ads related to the products you viewed on the online store.
While these cookies have been essential for personalized advertising, they have raised privacy concerns. Many web browsers are now phasing out third-party cookies to enhance user privacy, shifting toward alternative methods that respect user data while still allowing businesses to reach their target audience effectively.

Top of the funnel (TOFU)

Top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) marketing refers to the marketing strategies and tactics used to create awareness of your brand or product.TOFU helps marketers spread awareness, educate prospects, and create a buzz about a product, service, or brand. Marketers publish content at the top of the funnel to reach a wide pool of potential customers. More towards buyer’s interests and needs. TOFU is the first funnel stage and the initial touchpoint with potential customers. TOFU is vital for building a strong foundation for customer relationships and eventual conversions.

Tiktok Events API

TikTok Events API supports advertisers and businesses to create a secure and reliable connection with marketing data sources (such as servers, websites, apps, or CRMs) and the TikTok platform. Through this API advertisers are able to transfer data related to events, interactions, and user activities on their platforms to TikTok. By transmitting these events, businesses can measure the performance of their TikTok ads, optimize ad delivery, and create targeted audience segments more effectively. It provides the flexibility to customize the data shared with TikTok to suit specific advertising needs and objectives.

Customer lifetime value (CLV)

Customer lifetime value is a measure of the total income a business can expect to bring in from a typical customer for as long as that person or account remains a client.Customer lifetime value helps you understand and gauge current customer loyalty. If customers continue to purchase from you time and time again, that’s usually a good sign you’re doing the right things in your business. Furthermore, the larger a customer lifetime value, the less you need to spend on your customer acquisition costs.Understanding CLV allows you to make informed decisions based on how long a customer typically buys from you and what they spend over the lifetime of that relationship. This metric can help inform your strategy on acquisition, customer retention, customer support, and even the quality of your products and services.

Last Click Attribution

Last Click Attribution is a marketing strategy that gives full credit for a conversion to the final interaction a customer had before making a purchase. The final touchpoint—whether it be a social media post, an email link, or an advertisement—gets all the credit for the transaction. This approach is and simple and easy to implement but can be misleading because it disregards the possible impact of earlier encounters in the customer journey.To better understand and improve the entire customer experience, many marketers now opt for more comprehensive attribution models to better understand and optimize the complete customer experience.

Google Custom Audience

A Google Custom Audience is a tailored group of users or website visitors created by advertisers based on their online behavior, interests, and interactions. It enables advertisers to deliver highly targeted and personalized ads to specific user segments, improving the effectiveness of their Google advertising campaigns.