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  3. Meta Web Conversions API
  4. Step 2: Set up your website as a data source for Web events
  5. Option 2 : Google Tag Manager implementation with DhPixel

Option 2 : Google Tag Manager implementation with DhPixel

Step 1: Go to GTM, Open Tags

Step 2: Search for fb/Facebook for Facebook tags

Step 3: Open the tag which includes Facebook base code or the respective marketing platform base code.

Step 4: Replace the Facebook base code with the Meta specific dhPixel code given by Datahash and click save.

  • For Facebook copy DhPixel code for Facebook

Step 5: After Replacing, the code should look like the  right one as shown in the screen.

Step 6: After clicking save, you will be redirected to the Tags screen. Here click on Preview screen to validate the tags.

Step 7: Once clicked you will be asked to connect the tag assistant to your site. Here, you need to provide your website URL and click connect.

Step 8: After the successful connection, kindly share the debug link on analytics@datahash.com for us to validate the connection at our end. To start click share on the top right corner of your screen.

Step 9: Copy and share the debug link on analytics@datahash.com for us to validate the connection at our end.

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